Sunday, March 21, 2010

Wash Wizard

Through a strange set of circumstances i ended up at a laundrymat last friday. Now don't get me wrong. I've used laundry mats a few times before on road trips, but usually with a group of people i knew, and i did not have any children yet. Thankfully I ended up only having to bring Liberty. Which was still quite a site. Here's why, I bought a new comforter set for our bed and i normally like to wash things before i use them. The comforter i got was so plush that i wasn't sure if it would fit in my washer, but i tried anyways. With a good shove i would prevail!

I probably wouldn't have worried about it and just sprayed it down with some febreeze to get rid of the 'new' smell, but my husband was already not to keen on using the new set (he's a bit resistant to change) and he definitely didn't like the idea of unknown chemicals from a warehouse in china touching him.

So here i am walking onto the laundry mat with a giant white comforter in hand and a carseat in the other. All the while trying not to let the comforter touch anything dirty like a car or a wall. The manager of the place saw me coming and opened the door for me. This was somewhat unexpected.

Outside the place looked run down there was an extremely faded sign "Wash Wizard coin Laundry" and a haphazard parking lot. But once i came inside it was very clean and the benches and machines were surprisingly shiny. I ended up reading the mystery of children. i was struck by how peaceful it was there. It was actually a wonderful place to read. The drone of the washing machines and dryers spinning kept a nice hum that took the edge of of the active world outside. And there was something else i noticed. Everyone there knew they were there for a while and there was lots of waiting going on. But not an anxious waiting, like when people are in line at the DMV or rushing to get home from a supermarket. I could actually feel the Lord very strong and his love for people. It is a great place to people watch, eavesdrop conversations and pray blessing on people who obviously have no washer and dryer at home and are making the best of their life.
I thought i would share this story because in the bubble of my life and routine, i found joy in the midst of an undesired circumstance, and left feeling priviledged to have spent an hour waiting with strangers.

PS my husband likes the comforter and shams very much.


  1. i love that you were able to find the Lord is such an unexpected place- don't you love that? I've been to a few laundry mats in my day as well but i've never heard of one where there were shiny washers and the manager opened the door for you!! that is amazing in and of itself!

    It makes me think of the good old days when you did your laundry in a washing bin outside- i mean, i bet the women did it together and it was a means of fellowship. (I love love love technology but it has coaxed us to me more individualistic and isolated us from the people around us.

    Anyways, thanks for sharing this post carla; it again reminds me that we can find the Lord anywhere that we are willing to open our hearts to Him.

    (maybe instead of going to a coffee shop for some r and r I'll go do laundry at a laundry mat...or...maybe not :)


  2. Carla, I'm glad you had that experience... I would like to know were that Laundromat is located... I need to clean my comforters too. Thank you

  3. I love this :-) It made me happy to read. Before I was married I used to take my clothes to this laundry mat, and I would bring a book and just relax. I loved it. It was so calming to me too.
