Friday, March 19, 2010

At the days end....

Just walked in the door from a long day at work.... and my heart is feeling so alive as I walk in my front door I felt like writing would be a good way to let it all out. I hear the awakening on the webstream in the backround, my husband mopped the floors, and most importantly I know my baby girl is close by. I love that feeling!

I think I have said this to KJ over and over... I love my job but at the end of the day all my heart wants to do is be a mommy! I am glad to be able to support my husband, it really is my pride and joy! Plus, he gets to spend much needed alone time with Francy as her daddy. This makes him feel really special and he has really bonded with her over the past few months. Although, my days are busy at work my heart is always at home with Francy. I am constantly checking in on her and begging my husband to send me pictures. I know it's silly but I am constantly thinking about how she is, or what she is doing and worrying about all the details I have no control over. I know daddy does a great job but I still can't help but want to be with her every moment of every day! Not realistic I know but it really puts such a deep appreciation in my heart for the rest of the week when it's just me and her and Jesus. Oh how precious are the days and how sweet are the nights (especially when we both sleep through them). I cannot believe how fast this past year has been. Literally the fastest year of my life.
I know that being a mommy means different things to everyone.... for some it comes as easy as breathing and others it takes more effort but at the end of the day our children move our hearts in a way no other person can. It's like being intoxicated on love. I am not sure if I am the only one that feels this way but since I have had Frances I felt this nagging joy that seems to over shadow my days. It's knowing that something special is going to happen each and every day. Perhaps I am a little romantic in my views but even this past week I have just felt so over joyed and just kissed by Jesus' love for me in being a mother! It really is my life ministry before Him! He has given me Himself in all things and I get to impart that knowledge to my children! Who needs platforms when mom's have a captive audience each and every day.... and an adoring one at that. Wow.... how intense is that! My little audience is watching me to show her what He looks like. What do I do with my time, my energy, my emotions, my words??? Even though she is so young she is a little copy cat. She pays attention and I want what I do to reflect Him.

Any way I am also a rambler.... but mostly just want to keep on encouraging you all on your journey's as mom's. What you do counts! We really do rock the world and have a lasting impact on the eternal souls of our children! It is so very important BUT don't let the weight of it weigh you down or let it overwhelm you. Let it be a sobering knowledge that flings you into His arms at every turn. In the ups and downs... and the knowing and the unknowing. There are days when all I know is all I don't know but He is sufficient for me and her and that is really all that matters.

Oh Sweet Jesus, teach us to lean deeper into your grace and goodness at every turn. That the cry in Your heart for our children would become the deepest cries of our hearts as well. That in all things we would point them to You. That we would find joy in these gifts that you have given us and treasure them just as you treasure them. That you would lead us as mothers into the deep things of your Spirit. That our homes would be filled with the knowledge of God and that You would have the preeminence in all things! ~Amen~

HA! night..... I will try not to ramble so next time. *Liesl*


  1. never apologize because it's not rambling when you're sharing your heart with us. i love it.

  2. Thank you Liesl for sharing your heart. You encourage me so much as I see your joy of being a wife and a mother. Love you- Aneliz
