Friday, March 19, 2010

Morning Thoughts

Jed and I just got back from our hour long visit to the prayer room this morning. Man, if you want a nice time to be there that is free from crowd, go on Friday mornings (if you can manage getting up and out of the house early). Since Jed is somewhat of an early riser I have taken this as an excuse to go in the mornings with my husband from 7ish-8:30ish (I am becoming more and more settled with the 'ish' in my schedule thanks to Jed). Before I was prego 6ams were on my schedule 5-6 days a week and now I am delighted to return to them for a season. I know that this is a season because once Jed starts moving more and baby number 2 comes along (as of yet he/she is only a dream) going to the prayer room will become harder and harder. But I am delighting in this opportunity for the now. I just wanted to share this with you ladies because, like I said, I am excited that I can be there for an hour or so each day and wanted to let you have a glimpse into my little life.

I love waking up and being able to 'jump start' my heart, so to speak, by being in the house of the Lord surrounded with people worshiping and interceeding. For some of you your mornings in the house of the lord are spent in your literal house- this is the amazing part of the Holy Spirit being with us- we can experience Him wherever we are!!! He is not isolated to a single location but living and breathing within us wherever we are! Thank you Jesus! I want to recognize and experience You and Your heart wherever I am today. I want to have a heart overflowing in gratitude for all that you have given to me even when it means I can't go to the HOP as much as I would like.

As I provoke my own heart to be thankful for the season that I am in and to find Him in the entirety of it I hope to do the same for you. Let's just thank Him for His nearness to us today and ask Him for the grace to walk with Him through the ups and downs that this day may bring.

I love you ladies and I am excited for what the Lord has for us as we walk this journey together.



  1. Rach,

    I love your heart! I am so glad you shared this. I have to keep reminding myself to reach out and press into the abundance of grace I have in this season of my life. Especially in only having one kid right now. If we don't learn to do it now it will only be harder in the future. Soo good!


  2. Rachel thank you for sharing, I know I love getting to the prayer room even if it's for a little time it is so worth it and I love that my girls are being raised in this environment where going to the HOP to pray and worship is part of normal life.
    I remember when Anaiah was like 7 or 8 months I started going twice a week for extended hours (3 or so) by myself 6am's and it was so nice to be able to do it, now I always have them with me but it is so good to be able to do it with them and love the Lord even in those 2 min increments.
    He does give grace in every season that we are in.

  3. Rachel,
    This is very encouraging! You provoke me! : ) I have been going to the prayer room a little bit during the week-fiddling with what hours to bring Dessy. I just want her to be in the presence of corporate worship even if it messes with our schedule a tiny bit. I love how Aneliz said the other week she was bringing her kids to Awakening on friday nights for a little bit. I have been more active to turn the webcast on at nights since she said that. This is so good!

