Friday, March 19, 2010

The Highlight of My Week

I could not wait to tell you what just happened to us yesterday. For the last week, after receiving prophetic word after prophetic word regarding finances, our prayers were filled with faith. The lender we spoke to just recently gave us the confidence that no one else had regarding approval for a home loan. My excitement was running high with no circumstantial changes until we were sitting around our weekly "family dinner". Zack decided to take the phone call. He had just gotten the words, "I NEED to call this person back! I keep forgetting!" but before the last word was fully out of his mouth, it was them on the phone. He and the person calling (who will remain nameless) had been playing phone tag for a couple of weeks.
He left the room to chat. He picked up and heard no "hello" but rather, "The Bible says that we are to do everything in word and in deed as unto the Lord, so in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I am giving you $10,000." Zack was flabbergasted and about to speak, but was interrupted quickly by the person on the other end of the line, "AND in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I want to give Carrie $10,000."

Zack was blown away, and I had no idea. He didn't want to say anything to the whole family because the others know the donor, and they specified that they wanted to remain anonymous. I had to feed Natalie in the middle of dinner, so I left the room and Zack followed me and proceeded to tell me the story. I am overcome by the kindness and provision of the Lord! So today Friday the 19th, $20,000 will be wired to our account! Today we will be visiting the house we plan to put a contract on as soon as the loan is approved.

Zack and I were talking last night, and I was talking about how incredible this whole process has been in the divine leadership of the Holy Spirit. He invited us into partnership, we took Him up on His invitation, and He took us up on our "yes". It's been the most sovereign season I can remember related to obedience and faith. Thank you all for praying!!!!!

I just have two more prayer requests: one is that we will have favor with the lenders we end up going with and get approved quickly, and that the house we want will not sell before we have a chance to put on contract on it. It's likely that this will be a very fast process, which is WONDERFUL. We wanted to get all of this sorted out before ATC started this summer, and it looks like it will. Personally, I would have NO problems if we started moving in 2 weeks!

Thank you again for your prayers!!!


  1. AAAHHHHHH!!!!!! I totally prayed someone would give you 10k, but 20.....I'm crying right now I'm so happy!!!!

  2. Praise the Lord, He is so good and faithful, excited to see your new house!

  3. this is so wonderful!! i didn't cry but my eyes teared =), and my heart is full of gratitude to the Lord. I feel faith imparted to me from your testimony.

  4. YES!!! Brent told me yesterday and I was so excited for you guys! So much faith in my heart for our own financial breakthrough. God is so faithful!


  5. this gives us faith too as we are beginning to think about buying a house come the end of the summer.. more Lord on the Hensleys!
