Saturday, May 8, 2010

mothers day

I know tomorrow is the actual day, but I've been really thinking about mothers today. I was talking with Ben yesterday just feeling the pleasure of the Lord over moms in our community. We have such a significant role. In our nation right now there is rarely found a mother who is godly in her ways and her thinking and has her heart alive before Jesus. We have the grace and the ability in this type of community to get excellent biblical teaching, a place of prayer that is open to us 24 hrs a day and husbands who live a lifestyle of prayer and support us in our beliefs towards how we raise our kids. I am just so proud of you all. We have the opportunity to serve day by day night by night even on the days where we wake up and just think "i just don't feel like being a mother today, don't feel like serving, etc." we do it anyways because that is what we've been created for for this very time in history. We have the privilege of raising up our kids to be holy and righteous before the Lord and many children in our nation right now have no input from any type of adult who holds the same value for life that we do. So, tomorrow as you wake, accept the "happy mother's day" with humility in your heart and joy to know that it is true, we are truly happy mothers and are rightfully celebrated on this day because the Lord has pleasure in us and what we do and looks at us with pride and joy. I love you ladies and you all inspire me as a mom and your kids are joys and delights!
Love you ladies. Enjoy the celebration of you and celebrate your moms who sowed years, just as we are now, into you even if it was just the smallest amounts, they did all they knew to do at the time to bring you to the place you are today, whether they're saved or unsaved.


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